New performance metrics: Reward/Risk Ratio and Expectancy!
Reward/Risk ratio, Expectancy ratio for all your trades - learn more about new performance metrics and how you can access them!
Accessing 13F filings data of companies
Another research feature on TradeViz: Visualize millions of SEC 13F filings of companies and stocks with charts, tables etc., Learn how and what the smart money is doing in the market!
July 2020 Updates: More import platforms, minor bug fixes, new features!
Details about changes and updates to TradesViz made this month! Changes include added support for more trading platform formats, new features, bug fixes, and more!
New feature: Notes view
View all your journal notes in once place! tag, edit, filter from 100s of your notes quickly and efficiently!
June 2020 Updates: More import platforms, Compare stats and more changes!
Details about changes and updates to TradesViz made this month! Changes include added support for more trading platform formats, new indicators to plot with, table to compare statistics of different trade groups.