FAQ - TradesViz Usage Specific
Browse through our list of always-updated TradesViz usage-specific FAQs below. If you still need assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Search for keywordsTake a look at this reference guide: tradesviz.com/blog/charts-statistics-reference/ and use your browser search function (CTRL+F) to search for the chart you want and follow the instructions in the table.
Go to tradesviz.com/import, select your broker, follow the instructions on the page to export your file from your brokerage platform and upload it to TradesViz.
Go to your dashboard (tradesviz.com/home) and click on the command button at the top left corner and click on "Add trade".
In the Trades table, click on the pencil icon on the left of each row to quick edit the trade attributes or you can explore the trade by clicking on the target icon and edit the notes/tags/risk info by clicking on the 3-dots icon on the top-right corner of each box.
In the Trades table, shift-click on each row (trade) to select many trades and then click on "Actions" > "Group apply" at the top of the table. Now, you can select the group apply operations such as adding/removing tags/comments and finally click on "Save changes" at the bottom.
In the Trades table, click on the target icon to explore the trade to which you want to add images to. Once the trade explore view loads, scroll down till you see "Images" container and click on the 3-dots icon on the top right corner and click on upload images. You can either select images from your local PC or also copy paste images into the box and finally click "Save changes"
1. Yes, it is possible to add trades/executions manually by clicking on the command button at the top left corner of your dashboard and clicking on "Add trade"
2. We do have a generic format (download link) that you can download and fill in and import by selecting "Custom" as the platform on TradesViz import page.
The static charts are saved as images on our servers since we allow drawings and writings on the charts. If you want to update your charts with new/updated executions, then you can either click on "Refresh chart" after clicking on the gear icon when hovering over the chart you want to refresh or simply click on "Refresh all charts" by clicking on the 3-dots icon on the top right corner of the charts container.
Yes! Simply hover your mouse over the chart you want to draw on then click on the gear icon at the top and then click on "Draw on chart". An editor will open where you will be able to draw and write on charts. Do not forget to save once you are done with the edits.
TradingView charts are automatically shown (Pro/Platinum tiers) in the trade explore tab.
Here are all the TradingView chart features on TradesViz:
1. About TradingView charts: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/technical-analysis-charts/
2. Chart trades view: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/chart-trades-view/
3. Global chart templates (indicators): https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/global-tradingview-templates/
4. Chart table view: [https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/tv-charts-view/](https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/tv-charts-view/)
Go to tradesviz.com/import, select "Export/Manage" on the right side, then select your trading account and click on "Delete" under each import to delete your import all the trades associated with it. In addition to this, there are two ways to delete individual trades:
1. [Explore a trade](https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/tab-explore-trade/) ([by clicking on the target icon in the trades table](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHs2qISVH7U)) and click on the Delete button at the top right corner
2. To delete many trades at once, use group apply.
More info here: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/table-group-trade-operations/
Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTrupebt0kw
Go to tradesviz.com/import, select "Export/Manage" on the right side, then select "Existing uploads" and then select your trading account and click on "Delete" under each import with the name "TradesViz".
There are 2 possible solutions to this. You either have to make sure to select the right timezone when importing your file or you have to change the timezone of your account by going to tradesviz.com/accounts/settings and change the timezone of your account.
Go to tradesviz.com/import, select "Auto import trades" and now select the trading account you want to add a connection to and also the broker you want to connect to and click on "Connect" to establish a connection. Once the connection is successful, you can click on "Sync" button to sync your trades. If you want this connection to sync with your account every 24-hrs, then click on "Auto import settings" and check "Auto sync all accounts" and save the settings.
This could be due to several reasons. Most of the time the issue is with entering the login ID instead of the account ID in the initial connection step or re-using an API code. Please check our detailed blog post here: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/auto-import-schwab/. If you still have issues, please contact us at [email protected].
In the Trades table, shift-click on each row (trade) you want to delete and click on "Group apply" and then scroll down till you see "Delete trades" checkbox - check it and click on "Save changes" or right click on a row and click on delete trade.
Go to tradesviz.com/accounts/tradingaccounts and click on "Clear trades" on whichever account you want to delete all trades from.
Click on the "Filters" button on the top right of your dashboard and select "Net" or "Gross" and click "Apply changes".
Click on the date range button on the top right corner of your dashboard and select the preferred dates by selecting the start first and then the end date or vice-versa.
There could be many reasons - most common is to make sure you have not selected any particular filters that could filter out all your trades. Check your filters by clicking on "Filters" button on the top right and reset them by clicking on reset filters button and also check your date range on the top right corner - make sure to set it to "Full range".
There are many ways to search for trades in TradesViz. If you want to search for a particular symbol or tag, you can use the filter button on the top right of your dashboard to filter trades matching your criteria or you can also select trades in the trades table in a more granular way by learning how to construct table filters. More info on how to use the grids in TradesViz: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/grid-complete-guide/.
Simply click on ANY datapoint (a dot, a bar, etc.,) in any chart and click on "Explore trade". You should be redirected to another window where you will be able to explore trades that belong to that particular data point. More info here: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/interactive-charts/.
The "Total PnL" display in the dashboard is only for the date range shown below the text. To view your FULL ACCOUNT total pnl over all trading days, click on the "Overall statistics" under "Summary" tab and check the first few boxes. You should be able to view total Pnl numbers here for all your selected trading accounts.
It is not wrong, but it is only for the date range shown below the text. If you think this is not the reason, the other reason could be a misunderstanding on when the pnl is displayed for each trade. Also, the percentage change is based on Pnl change (from left to right side) in the chart below it. It is NOT your account returns. To get account returns visit Equity curve tab under Summary section and add your deposits.
The goal of the dashboard is to show only your recent statistics. As such, the default is always 60 trading days but you can select to view your entire trading history by selecting "All days" in the "Trading History" dropdown filter side bar by clicking on "Filters".
PnL change is calculated by taking the percentage difference between the pnl of the first day (leftmost) and the pnl of the last day (rightmost) in the "Total PnL" chart below.
Click on the "Trading History" dropdown in the filters side bar by clicking on "Filters" button at the top and select a higher trading history.
If you want to change this, got to tradesviz.com/accounts/settings and check/uncheck the "Use open-date based PnL for reporting" based on your preference
If you want to change this, got to tradesviz.com/accounts/settings and check/uncheck the "Use open-date based PnL for reporting" based on your preference
The date filter shows you the entire range of all executions made in your selected accounts. But the range in the end date only shows the end dates of fully closed trades.
Click on the "Filters" button at the top right of your dashboard and enter the symbols and tags you want to filter and click apply.
For example, if you want to apply the price range of $10-$20 from the PnL vs Price range chart, then simply click on the bar for $10-$20 and select "Apply as filter". You will now see a small container that appears on the top of your dashboard. You can do this for all charts and finally when you are satisfied with the filters, click on the green tick icon on the right side of the container.
Click on any data point of any chart.
Use the group compare feature. More info here: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/trades-analysis-compare-trades/
In your dashboard, click on the "Trades analysis charts" tab and then select "Profit and loss" scroll down and you should be able to see a chart with the title "PnL vs Time". Note that you can change the interval by clicking on the "Chart settings" > "Time interval" dropdown on the navbar at the top.
In your dashboard, click on the "Trades analysis charts" tab and then select "Profit and loss" and you should be able to see a chart with the title "PnL vs Price range". Note that you can change the bins of the price ranges by clicking on the "Price range" dropdown on the navbar at the top.
Yes! You can view your pnl statistics with respect to option greeks and IV by viewing the charts under the "Options trades analysis charts" tab on the left side of your dashboard.
You can view this chart by clicking on the "Performance metrics charts" tab on the left side of your dashboard and then clicking on "Treemaps" and then selecting the type of treemap you want to view.
You can view your pnl statistics with respect to option risk/reward by viewing any tab charts under the "Performance metrics and Ratios" section on the left side of your dashboard and then clicking clicking on the stat you want by choosing from the "Chart setting" > "Metric type" dropdown.
You can view this chart by clicking on the "Date charts" tab on the left side of your dashboard and then selecting the "Calendar grouped charts".
You can view this chart by clicking on the "Date charts" tab on the left side of your dashboard and then selecting the "Calendar grouped charts".
You can view this chart by clicking on the "Summary" tab on the left side of your dashboard and then clicking on "Equity Curve"
You can view this chart by clicking on the "Date charts" tab on the left side of your dashboard and then selecting the "Day-grouped charts".
This is available in the "Trade info" box in the trade explore view of any open trade and also as a column in the trades table. You can also check all open trade stats in a dedicated open trade summary tab under Summary section of your dashboard: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/open-trades-summary/
Simply click on "Column" tab and un-check the columns you do not want to see. You can also re-arrange the columns by dragging and dropping the column header or via the list of columns in the columns tab. Once you are done making changes, click on "Actions" and click "Save state" to preserve the table state.
There are two ways to do this: First is to create a custom dashboard and save it as home page, the second is to select one of the 4 pre-defined home page/overview tab types.
You can retain the state of the table (size, order, sorting, etc.,) by clicking on "Action" > "Save State". Note that the same can be done for nearly ANY table on TradesViz and all the states of the tables are saved to your TradesViz profile. In some cases like the custom dashboard and in the chart explore view, you will see a 3 dots icon at the top left corner of the table instead of actions button. Click on that to see the save state option.
By default, TradesViz shows you GROSS PnL (this is ONLY amount gained or lost by trading). You can always switch to NET PnL by clicking on "Filters" button in your dashboard > Select the Net option and then apply filters. If you do not see a change in PnL, then it is likely that your broker/import does not have commissions/fees data. You may need to add this information manually.
You can go to tradesviz.com/fundamentals/ and enter the symbol on the top right corner or click on the book icon in the top right corner of the trade explore view of each trade. To know more about this feature, visit this page: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/fundamental-data/
To share a trade or a trading day, simply explore the trade or a trading day and then click on the purple "Lock" icon on the top right corner and select the data you want to share and click "Save changes". Visit this page for more info on how to share accounts: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/sharing-trades-days-accounts/.
Go to tradesviz.com/accounts/sharing/ click on "Add" and add the display name of the account you want to share your trading accounts with. Visit this page for more info on how to share accounts: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/sharing-trades-days-accounts/.
Click on the toggle with the sun/moon icon on the top right corner of your dashboard.
Click on the "Calendar" on the left side of your dashboard and click on "Month view" to view your monthly PnL calendar.
To explore a trade, click on the target icon on the left side of any row in the trades table.
There are multiple ways to explore a trading day. You can click on the calendar icon on the right side of each row of the "Day grouped" table under "Trades table" tab or you can simply click on the numbers in each cell in the monthly calendar view or when in trade explore view, you can click on the blue calendar icon on the top right to view the day on which you executed the trade.
Yes! Just like trade explore, you can add notes/tags/images and even trade charts to each trading day.
Please make sure that the timezone of your trade is correctly matched during import. For example, if you are using IBKR platform, the executions are always reported in exchange timezone and so you have to select the exchange timezone during the import - not your local timezone. This depends on the broker/platform you are using and you will have to change the timezone settings in the import page accordingly.
Please make sure that you add a comma after every tag - even if you enter only 1 tag, you need to add a comma at the end and then try saving it.
To split executions or combine a subset of executions into another trade, simply explore a trade, shift-click on the executions in the executions table and click on "Group apply". Now select the preferred type of splitting you want to achieve and click save changes. If you need a video tutorial, take a look at this video: https://youtu.be/87eJ3kSIoAw?t=327.
In the trades table, shift-click on trades to select the trades you want to merge (must have same underlying) and then click on "Group apply" at the top. Now scroll down till you see "Merge selected trades" option and click it. Now click on save changes. If you need a video tutorial, take a look at this video: https://youtu.be/87eJ3kSIoAw?t=327.
It is because either the import file you used did not contain any commissions or fees information or you are not on Pro version. Commissions and fees are available only on the pro version.
You can do this by analyzing the SEC 13-F documents. TradesViz provides a convinent platform for your with visualizations right here: If you need a video tutorial, take a look at this video: tradesviz.com/data13f/. To know more about this feature, visit this page: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/13fdata/.
To export all your trades or executions, go to tradesviz.com/import and select "Export/Manage" and then select "Existing Uploads". Now select the trading account you want to export. If you want to just export the trades, leave the options as default ("Trades" and "Base") and click "Download". If you want to use this file to import into TradesViz in the future, click on "Executions" and "Native" as the options and then click on "Download".
Go to tradesviz.com/import and select "Export/Manage" and then select "Existing Uploads". Once you select a trading account, you will see a list of the trades files you have imported into this account. Now, you can delete or download these imports.
Click on the "Filter" button on the top right corner of your dashboard and you should see a popup that contains a asset type dropdown. Select the asset types you want to view and then click "Apply".
To do this, take a look at the chart sections under "Technical analysis charts" on the left side of your dashboard.
You can do this via the Equity curve tab by selecting the symbol you want to compare with. More info: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/equity-curve-compare-symbol/
Click on the "Equity curve" sub-tab under "Summary" tab on the left side of your dashboard and click on "Add Transaction" under Transaction actions dropdown.
If you think your trades are grouped frequently, you can change this by using the "Group executions based on flat-positions + symbol" option in the "Advanced settings" in the import page. or simply select "Scalper/stock settings" profile in the same section.
You can try using the "Attempt Advanced grouping of options" option under the "Advanced settings" in the import page. It is suggested to test this first on an empty trading account so make sure you are satisfied with the results before using it on your regular trading account.
You can do this by going to tradesviz.com/accounts/tradingaccounts and then clicking on "Edit account details" and then selecting the preferred fees/commissions settings. Note that once changed, this will only take effect on future imports and will not affect current imports/trades. Alternatively, you can also use advanced commissions/fees profile for more fine-grained control: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/advanced-commissions-profiles/.
You can change this going to tradesviz.com/accounts/settings.
You can change this by going to tradesviz.com/accounts/settings.
Yes. You can add any ticker in TradesViz via the Manual add trade option. If the symbol is not recognized, then the PnL calculation will be done as if it is a stock.
Go to tradesviz.com/accounts/settings, click on "Edit existing chart settings", select "Default" and then set your preferred chart settings. From now on, whenever you click "Add chart" in trade explore view, a chart with your preferred settings will be generated.
From the trades table, click on the target icon (on the left side of the row) of the trade you want to close. Now click on the "Add" button at the top right section of the trade explore page and add in the closing execution details. If you have already added this as a separate individual trade, you can use the group apply function to merge the 2 trades.
You need to edit the executions of the equity that were taken BEFORE the split. Quantity and price have to be edited. Whether you divide or multiply the values depend on if it was a normal split or a reverse split.
You can add executions by exploring a trade and then clicking on the "Add" button in the trade explore tab. Closing a trade is simply adding an execution in the direction opposite to the existing position of the trade.
To edit an execution, you need to first explore a trade to open the trade explore tab and then clicking on the pencil icon on the left side of any of the executions in the executions table to edit the execution attributes.
You can retain the state of the table (size, order, sorting, etc.,) by clicking on "Action" > "Save State".
Note that the same can be done for nearly ANY table on TradesViz and all the states of the tables are saved to your TradesViz profile. In some cases like the custom dashboard and in the chart explore view, you will see a 3 dots icon at the top left corner of the table instead of actions button. Click here to learn more about tables and table related settings in TradesViz.
For R-values and R-value related stats to be generated, you need to fill in the stop loss for your trades. This can be done by editing the trade by either:
1. Clicking on the pencil icon in the trades table
2. Editing the trade via trade explore page
3. By applying group apply in trades table
4. By using advanced target profiles.
For current day trades, MFE/MAE, Best exit etc., are calculated after EOD or next day. For historical trades, you should see MFE/MAE after EOD of import/sync of your files or you can also force recalculate the trade to make the system generate MFE/MAE if data exists:
Here is how you can re-calculate your trades:
1. To recalculate any single trade, explore the trade by clicking on the target button next to the trade in the trades table and click on the "Recalculate" button above the executions table.
2. To recalculate many trades at once, you can use the group apply function. In the trades table, shift/control-select the trades you want to recalculate and click on the "Group apply" button at the top of the table. Now scroll down and click on "Re-calculate all selected trades" option and click "Save changes"
More Info: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/advanced-stats/
If you are on the free plan, only stock trades are imported. Please start a trial or consider upgrading to Pro/Platinum to import all asset types.
All brokers have limits on how much history is provided from the broker side. These are limitations of the brokers and not of TradesViz. We provide approximate limitations based on API guidelines in an information box in the connection popup when you establish the connection. We highly suggest importing all your historical data manually once and then setting up auto-sync connection with sync from date after the last trade in your account to ensure seamless continuity of data.
This can be due to 3 reasons:
1. If your connection was previously working, then your token may have expired. You need to re-generate a new token by following the first few steps of this page:
(Choosing a longer expiry token is better if you do not want to do this process frequently.)
After you get the new token, click "Edit" in the connections list, paste the new token, and save the connection.
(There is no need to make any changes to your flex query. You can re-use the flex ID)
Now you can sync your IBKR connection again.
2. When establishing connection, you checked the "web service query" checkbox but used flex query input. Please make sure NOT to check the "web service query" checkbox.
3. IBKR servers are under maintenance
If your connection is working, but if you do not see any trades, please make sure to setup both flex and trade confirm queries. More info: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/auto-import-interactive-brokers/
You can add many trades to be used in your trades using the bulk add trades function in your account settings: /accounts/settings/#bulkaddtags.
More info: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/bulk-add-tags/
You can switch between PnL, R-value, Points, Ticks in the dashboards using the toggles in the filter section. Click on filters button at the top of your dashboard and select the type of visualization you want under Charts Type
Use custom TradingView templates and apply them to all your charts in TradesViz. Check here for more info: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/global-tradingview-templates/
Stripe is just a credit card payment gateway. There is no need for a Stripe account to use Stripe checkout on TradesViz.
Schwab auto-sync connections have an expiry of 7 days (limit set by Schwab API). Therefore, you need to refresh your connection by clicking on "Refresh connection" in the connections list page in your import page. After connection is refreshed, you should be able to sync.
Yes! We do have a 100% free tier that you can use (www.tradesviz.com/pricing/). There are some limitations like the the asset type you can import, but it is great for getting started with basic trade journaling. We also have 100% free trial (www.tradesviz.com/accounts/subscription) of Pro or Platinum plans incase you wish to import more asset types and/or explore more features!
If you are seeing errors on import, it is likely that your import file (format or data) is incorrect and unsupported by our module. Please check the instructions for your broker on www.tradesviz.com/import and try importing with the correct file.
If you are sure you followed the instructions and you are still seeing import errors, please share your file to [email protected] along with the name of your broker/platform and we will get back to you after checking your file.
If you are having issues with pnl or statistics, please make sure to provide full information about the issue you are having to as an email to [email protected]. This helps us help you with an effective solution. Below is the information we would ideally require from you:
1. Your trading account name on TradesViz
2. Your broker/platform name
3. Are you using auto or manual imports?
4. If you are using manual imports, please share the file that resulted in problematic data in his chat or you can send it to [email protected]
5. What numbers do you expect vs what are you seeing?
6. Share screenshots of the issue if applicable ([email protected])
Pre/Post-market data is only available for 1,2,3 minute charts and is updated next day for current day (~16 hrs delay). You should be able to view data for all historical dates. Also, the pre/post market data setting/toggle on Tradingview charts does not have any effect. You need to make sure "Use only regular trading hours for all charts?" in account settings is unchecked.
Pre/Post-market data is only available for 1,2,3 minute charts and is updated next day for current day (~16 hrs delay). You should be able to view data for all historical dates. Also, the pre/post market data setting/toggle on Tradingview charts does not have any effect. You need to make sure "Use only regular trading hours for all charts?" in account settings is unchecked.
a) Try resetting your dashboard by clicking on the functions button at the top and clicking on reset button
b) Make sure the date range is set to "Full range" via the calendar at the top right corner
c) Make sure the trading account you have selected has data in it (trading account can be selected at the top right corner dropdown)
Please note that each broker auto-sync connection has their own limitations on how much max history can be imported. This is not a limitation of TradesViz but of the broker. If you are not seeing all your data, please import all your historical data manually once and then setup auto-sync connection with sync from date after the last trade in your account to ensure seamless continuity of data.
You can set the timeframe of the chart by clicking on the timeframe dropdown on the top left corner of the chart. If you want to apply the same timeframe and/or indicators to all charts, please use chart templates: https://www.tradesviz.com/blog/global-tradingview-templates/
You change the currency of your dashboard by going to tradesviz.com/accounts/settings and then selecting the currency you want to view your dashboard in.
This can happen if you have not imported complete data. For example, if you import 2023 to 2024 trades but you had positions from 2022 that were closed in 2023, those opening trades from 2022 will be missing and that will cause grouping issues which leads to TradesViz showing open trades. Bottom line, make sure you import ALL trades or import from a point where you have no open trades.