Trading Journal in 2021: Why TradesViz?
How has trade journaling changed in the last year? How has TradesViz helped traders achieve what was not possible before? Read to learn more!
How to import trades automatically (auto-sync trades)!
No more CSV file importing! One-click = all your trades get synced with your TradesViz account! 100% auto-sync of your trades to your journal every 24-hrs!
New feature: Option spread/multi-leg input
Learn how to input multi-leg option spreads - iron condors, butterfly - no more inputting manual executions! Add any no. of legs to your trade and easily edit them!
New feature: Option Greeks
A treat for all options traders: view all options greeks right in your dashboard itself! No need to mess with your trading client to lookup greeks for your executions!
Multiple auto-generated charts
Learn how to set global default chart settings so that multiple charts according to your specifications are automatically generated for every trade imported from your broker's export files.