New Overview Type: All-in-one + New widgets + Multi-table mode
A new overview after a long time! Explore to learn about the design decisions!
New custom dashboard widgets: Pie charts, combined statistics and compact charts!
One of the most used features of TradesViz - the 100% custom dashboard gets 10+ new widgets and variants for ALL bar and line charts! With this, you can create compact dashboards that show you exactly the metrics you want visualized the way you want!
New feature: Daily screener results in your TradesViz dashboard (30+ screeners)
An appropriate feature for an all-in-one trading journal: A built-in screener results for the US, IN, CA & AU every day from 30 unique screeners powered by our very own EZstockscreener! You can now look for ideas, prepare, and journal all in the same dashboard!
New feature: Options payoff/risk chart and simulation
For the first time ever, a full-fledged options payoff chart with pricing support for US & IN options is available in a trading journal. Add any leg and simulate pricing based on the Black-Scholes model.
[Updated] New feature: Chart Trades View in TradesViz v2.0
View all your trades for a symbol in one single chart - just like in your trading platform! Learn how to set the chart to your liking, add indicators, and more! Update Aug 2024: Now with the ability to save your drawings!