MFE, MAE, Running PnL, Best exit and more: All you need to know about advanced statistics on TradesViz
There are a lot of advanced stats in TradesViz and we have detailed guides for each of them. This one blog post combines them into an easy-to-understand format so you can pick and choose the stat that is most relevant to you!
New Overview Type: All-in-one + New widgets + Multi-table mode
A new overview after a long time! Explore to learn about the design decisions!
State of Trade Journaling: What's important in journaling in 2024 and how has the field evolved?
We did the math. We crunched the numbers. We heard your feedback. This is a summary for all who are interested in trade journaling. Read on to learn about the current market scenario, what you should be looking for, and more.
Options data update: Now visualize NSE/India futures and options data! (NIFTY & more)
For the first time ever, you can view in-depth options data/OHLC bars for every NSE (India) F&O option execution you do on TradesViz. Every single F&O symbol's data can now be viewed on TradesViz!
Artificial Intelligence Powered Trade Journaling: Queries list and cheatsheet guide
Are you ready to find answers to all your burning trading questions? Have you wished there was a way to visualize a particular stat? The TradesViz's AI query will solve a lot of your trading problems! Read this guide to get a list of queries you can use every day to find deeper insights!