By TradesViz On in General

MFE, MAE, Running PnL, Best exit and more: All you need to know about advanced statistics on TradesViz

There are a lot of advanced stats in TradesViz and we have detailed guides for each of them. This one blog post combines them into an easy-to-understand format so you can pick and choose the stat that is most relevant to you!

By TradesViz On in General

New Overview Type: All-in-one + New widgets + Multi-table mode

A new overview after a long time! Explore to learn about the design decisions!

By TradesViz On in General

State of Trade Journaling: What's important in journaling in 2024 and how has the field evolved?

We did the math. We crunched the numbers. We heard your feedback. This is a summary for all who are interested in trade journaling. Read on to learn about the current market scenario, what you should be looking for, and more.

By TradesViz On in General

Options data update: Now visualize NSE/India futures and options data! (NIFTY & more)

For the first time ever, you can view in-depth options data/OHLC bars for every NSE (India) F&O option execution you do on TradesViz. Every single F&O symbol's data can now be viewed on TradesViz!

By TradesViz On in General

Artificial Intelligence Powered Trade Journaling: Queries list and cheatsheet guide

Are you ready to find answers to all your burning trading questions? Have you wished there was a way to visualize a particular stat? The TradesViz's AI query will solve a lot of your trading problems! Read this guide to get a list of queries you can use every day to find deeper insights!